This was such an interesting conversation, especially the part about access to different kinds of meetings and how because AA is decentralized a persons experience in LA or NYC is very different than in Alabama. I got sober at 28 through 12-step in 2007, so online sobriety wasn't a thing. In my early years I had to wade through the smoke filled rooms of mostly older men. I did what I was told and got a sponsor and worked the steps, but I never connected with any other women my age, but I stayed sober. I didn't really see it as a problem until I stared having kids. I was going through some pretty hard core PPA and I needed to connect with sober moms with young kids, but they didn't seem to be anywhere and the "mommy wine culture" was rampant. I think I was just lucky because I kept going to AA and still stayed sober. It's only been in the last five years that I've made real connections with other sober moms. AA for sure saved my life, but I don't make it my life, and i think that's what's saved me as i have continued to evolve over the last 15 years. Sometimes that means I get the side-eye from an oldtimer who "hasn't seen me in a while" but I don't let it bother me anymore. If another woman comes to me asking about sobriety I just focus on the primary purpose of staying sober and helping other alcoholics achieve sobriety (however that may look for that person) Thank you so much for sharing this story!

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This was very interesting and raises interesting conversations. I've learned your moment of clarity comes when you face your fears. Sobriety gave me back me - my life. Self-medication kills you slowly. You can never get a handle on that. It's a highly destructive force that has to be dealt with on a spiritual level as much as a physical one.

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Thank you for being inclusive to all types of recovery methods! Great interview with the GOAT.

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However you get there is however you get there. We all help each other 🙏

Thanks for the post.

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